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Welcome! Plan your next staycation!

Can I really save on places to stay near me and lodging in other popular destinations by using Gretopia? Yes! Gretopia searches for accommodation deals on hundreds of accommodation comparison sites to help you find deals on flights, hotels, car rentals, Transfers and more.

Why book stays with Gretopia?

Find your place to stay

Our map will help you find the perfect place to stay in Paris by showing you the exact location of each hotel.

Search Travel Guides, cheap flights & Hotels deals by destination

Plan your next perfect trip, Search Flights, Hotels & Car Hire to our most popular destinations. Gretopia searches for accommodation deals on hundreds of accommodation comparison sites to help you find deals on flights, hotels, car rentals, Transfers and more.

Weekly Most Viewed Destinations

See below the 6 most popular destinations according to the views on Gretopia for this week

FAQs about finding hotel deals

How reliable are hotel reviews on Gretopia?2022-01-16T09:22:16+00:00

On Gretopia, all hotel and home reviews are written by verified guests. That means we have confirmation from each property that the reviewer has stayed there and is a real visitor.
We have gathered reviews from some of our top travel partners to ensure you get the most relevant and best reviews to help you make your booking decisions.

How does Gretopia find lower hotel prices?2022-01-16T09:21:32+00:00

At Gretopia, we know that booking accommodation online isn’t easy, but we believe it should be. A simple search on Gretopia scans for prices on hundreds of travel sites in seconds. We find deals from across the web and put them in one place. Compare your options for the same Hotel, apartment or home and choose where you book—whether it’s directly with the hotel —or even from another travel site.

What is Gretopia?2022-01-16T09:21:03+00:00

We’ve created an unbiased travel search engine that scans the web for as many hotels as we can get our hands on, giving you the satisfaction that comes with uncovering an amazing deal.

We search hundreds of the most popular hotel provider’s worldwide (and flights and car hires, of course). We work hard at creating as many relationships with these providers as possible so you can have as much choice as possible.

We’re a worldly bunch, which is probably what you’d expect from a travel search site. In the last thirteen years we’ve spread from the UK to Singapore, Beijing, Miami and Barcelona, too – and we receive 30 million unique visitors a month using us in over 30 languages.

Can you give me a quote for my hotel?2022-01-16T08:49:23+00:00

The best way to find the most accurate prices for your hotel is by starting a new search – we unfortunately can’t give quotes by email as prices and availability can change very quickly. Simply enter where you want to visit in the search box on our site, then select the dates you’re interested in, and we’ll then display the best results.The final price you pay for your hotel may change because of additional extras offered by the hotel provider (although these should always be optional).

Is Gretopia free to use?2022-01-16T08:49:01+00:00

Gretopia does the hard work for you, and it’s free to search for your travel options on our site. We search over 1000 travel providers to find you the best deal for your flight, hotel or car hire.
That includes everything from fancy hotels to low cost airlines, so no matter what your budget is, we’ll help you get there.
See a price you like? We’ll connect you to your hotel provider directly. For this referral, we’re paid a small fee. And that’s all there is to it!

How does Gretopia help me find the best deals?2022-01-16T08:48:32+00:00

With one quick and easy search, we look for hotels and homes from across the best travel sites around the world in seconds. We gather all of the prices, availabilities and rooms for you, and give you the tools to filter and compare the best options for the same hotel or home so that you can easily choose and book the best deals. Best of all there is no extra fee from Gretopia!

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